Choose the right VPN to protect you!
Are Paid VPNs Safe? 8 VPNs Security Checked
Many people who decide to use a VPN do so because they believe that they are anonymous when they are using one. I decided to find out about whether using a VPN really make you untraceable. Does a...
A lot of my friends and family have been having trouble with having their identity stolen, so I have been looking for ways that I can protect myself. So, I did some research into VPNs to see how safe...
Using a VPN provides a level of protection across the internet to make sure what’s private remains private. However, some people feel if websites know a VPN is being used, this may make it...
The Tor network provides a way of remaining anonymous on the internet and many people assume they don’t need a VPN because of this. I decided to take a deeper look into using Tor without a VPN to...
Internet privacy is paramount these days and internet cookies always seem to be in the news. I wanted to find out about using a VPN to protect against cookies was a good idea or not, as I wanted to...
Facebook is frequently in the news for data privacy issues especially around the amount of data they collect without their users knowledge. I decided to do some investigation to find out ways to...